Top 10 Skincare Tips for the Best Skin of Your Life

1. Cleansing is essential.

Consider what your skin is exposed to throughout each and every day. From makeup and sweat to particles and elements in the environment, your skin inevitably faces many external aggressors.

You'll want to remove every last trace of dirt, excess oil, pollution and unwanted skin cells off of your face, without stripping or drying out your skin.

This is a critical first step of all skincare routines and is beneficial in a number of ways. Not cleansing properly, means dirt and pollution accumulate at the surface of your skin and could potentially contribute to breakouts, dehydration and ageing. 

OneHusk's FAB OH! (Face and Body cleansing bar) is an ultra-mild cleansing bar that not only cleans but gives a subtle exfoliation & can help heal your skin with regular use.  It has many healing ingredients to help maintain a clear complexion.  FAB OH! helps remove unwanted oil, unclog pores, refine skin texture all without stripping or drying out your skin. 

2. Don’t use too many products.

Layering on multiple skincare products all at once can be harsh on the skin, resulting in more breakouts and clogged pores.

3. Moisturize both day and night.

The best times to moisturise are right after you get out of the shower and right before you go to bed. Avoid lotions with heavy fragrances and make sure you find a moisturiser gentle enough for every day use, with zero irritation. For Day & For Night

4. Don’t touch your face.

It is very important to avoid touching your face. It doesn't just spread bacteria and cause breakouts — it can lead to scarring, an increase in wrinkles - and especially highlighted during these times of COVID-19 even spreads the flu or other viruses.

5. Hydrate inside and out.

Every skin expert we've ever spoken to, emphasise the importance of hydration.  Make a habit of drinking around eight glasses of water through your day. A lack of water means less plump radiance and more sag, so choose products (cleansing, moisturizing, and anti-aging) that have significant hydrating benefits. 

6. Exfoliate a couple times per week.

We lose tens of million skin cells every single day.  Don't leave dead cells on your skin making it appear lack lustre - choose a product that is pH neutral so it doesn't dry as it exfoliates. Remember it's not just your face, the skin on your body needs exfoliation, too.

Wild harvested Quandong Extract (Australian Native Peach) behaves like an AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) and is an ingredient in often mist that helps naturally and gently remove uppermost layers of dead skin cells.

7. Vitamins should go on your skin, too.

A balanced diet is important, but there's more than one way to give your skin vitamins. There are also topical antioxidants, which are serums and creams that contain ingredients that nourish the skin  - think Bounce Back serum containing vitamin C that protects skin from sun damage and photoaging. It can also help promote collagen production, boost wound healing, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and prevent skin sagging.  (Bounce Back also contains marine collagen and hyaluronic acid ). These can really help to repair the skin from sun damage and the best time to apply them is right after cleansing so that your skin can soak them in. 

8. Get your greens.

Drinking green juices with lots of veggies in them will transform your skin in a matter of days — and it helps oxygenate the skin and stimulates lymphatic drainage, so it's de-puffing, too. (Ask us about one of our team who swears by fresh cold press green juices, to combat her skin disorder!)

9. Maintain a healthy diet.

Your skin has a natural barrier to retain moisture, and essential to that is omega-3 fatty acid. Flax seeds on your salad or even walnuts will be an instant boost to your omega-3, to help increase your skin's ability to hold onto moisture.

10. Wear sunscreen 365/366 days a year — snow, rain or shine.

It's the daily UV exposure that contributes to the visible signs of aging. So do everything you can to reduce the impact of the elements all year around. It doesn't just have to be hot for your skin to be aged through UV exposure.

Julz - OH!

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