OH! No preservatives

Why didn’t your grandparents have food allergies?

It’s really quite simple…

They ate food that had no preservatives, and were not processed. Foods came from farms and markets. Babies had a great start to life with breast milk. Those days, you seldom heard of dieting, not like today, as most foods we eat can cause bloating and obesity with all the added chemicals, additives, stabilizers, preservatives, food coloring, flavoring, and GMO’s so prevalent in today’s foods. The meats came from animals that were not pumped full of chemicals like today. Eating out was when you visited family and friends, eating good traditional home cooked meals from scratch. Old fashioned Chicken broth was used for most ailments.

Our grandparents didn’t have the choice to stay inside, on cell phones, computers and gaming systems. They played outside on the grass, climbed trees, rode bikes and had good healthy fun in mother nature!

They never ran to Doctors either for everything. When they got a fever, they waited it out. When they felt sick, they ate soups, broths and rested a lot. They trusted the body’s natural healing process a whole lot more than we do today. Their food was medicine, whether they realized it or not.

Diet and lifestyle have an important impact on our bodies. Every cell of our body needs the correct nutrition to function properly, and poor diet and lifestyle will compromise the integrity of each cell thus creating sensitivities to certain foods.

It appears that food allergies may be an unpredictable byproduct of the many environmental factors listed above, which were largely unfamiliar just a couple of generations ago. At this rate one has to wonder what the future of eating looks like, as more and more toxins are introduced into our diet. Taken from an article on "realfarmacy"

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